motivational self-love influencer and speaker




affirmation of the week: self forgiveness

Self-forgiveness is so important in our self-love journey because it allow us to heal from our past mistakes and move on with a positive attitude. Self-forgiveness is not about denying or excusing our wrong doings, but about accepting them and learning from. By forgiving ourselves, we show our selves compassion, respect and kindness. We also fee ourselves from guilt, shame, and resentment, which can harm our mental and wellbeing. Self-forgiveness is a way of honoring our true selves and embracing our protentional for growth and happiness.


Social Media Detox

It’s important to break from social media every once in a while and focus on self-care. A social media detox can help you disconnect from the digital world and reconnect with yourself. If not careful, social media can easily influence you to comparing yourself to others in thinking this is how you should look or be or the world will not except you, which can lead to low self-esteem, insecurities and depression, especially if you are not strong in who you are. You should never allow anyone to determine your worth or what you should look like. Remember your identity is in GOD, the one who created you, but you will never get to know that until you start spending alone time with him and developing a relationship with him, then he will tell you all the awesome things about you and what he loves about you, especially when you came to mind to create

PSALM 139:

I praise you because I am fearfully and WONDERFULLY made


DeDe Nicole is the face behind DeDe Nicole Speaks. DeDe has been in several relationships throughout her life, where she did not love herself enough to leave toxic, unhealthy relationships. She was always changing how she looked, dressed, trying to lose weight, belittling herself, etc, to get people to love her the way she loved them. It was never enough. There was a time that DeDe went  into chronic depression which caused a hate for herself. She would get dressed in the dark, just to keep from looking at a person she thought could never be loved, that no one seemed to love or want to love. DeDe went to relationship after relationship chasing and trying to find something that was already within herself. In September of 2021, DeDe was involved in another relationship that resulted in the same pattern. Before this relationship, she had not dated for a while and decided to give it a shot. Again, DeDe was made to feel unworthy of love, not pretty enough, not good enough. The relationship ended on the others person’s superficial wants instead. DeDe thought she knew what “self love” was but apparently she did not. Through God’s love for her, she finally understood what self love was and realized self love is loving who God created her to be without allowing others thoughts about her, dictate who she should be, feel and look. DeDe learned that she is her own kind of beautiful, she is beautiful on the inside and out and real beauty is within. Through this continuous journey, God is allowing her to see her potential, her gifts and purpose that he has created just for her and in his timing, someone will love all of her as he does. You have to know that your worth is not based on having something or someone and love yourself enough to know that you deserve good things. Know when to choose you even when they don’t choose you. Healthy boundaries with any relationship we connect to, is the goal in loving yourself authentically. Always remember that you are something, you are someone, you are bold, you are beautiful and you are PHENOMENAL.